Precast Concrete Countertops
The key to successful precasting is good consolidation of the concrete and is best achieved with the use of table or form vibrators. We use vibrators manufactured by Vibco, who specializes in vibration and compaction equipment for a wide range of industrial applications. If you are planning to produce any quantities of concrete countertops, a quality set of table vibrators is an unavoidable necessity.
Step 1 – Fill the Form
Step 2 – Level the Back Surface
Previous: Mix the Concrete

Keep your costs low with Sakrete 5000 Plus concrete from your local home improvement center and CHENG Pro-Formula Concrete Countertop Mix.
Next: Demold the Countertop

After 5 days in the mold it’s time to remove the countertop but since the concrete is still young extra care must be taken to avoid problems.